How to write a human-centred LinkedIn profile
Give a sense of the person behind the dot points on your CV.
I write summaries for other people’s LinkedIn profiles. You know the section I’m talking about... Those few short paragraphs between your photo and CV that are deceptively difficult to craft. Because, let’s face it, anything headed ABOUT or ABOUT YOU is bound to cause writer’s block.
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network and your profile is a ticket into it. And, while your CV is important, a well-crafted summary is worth its weight in gold.
Today, most workplaces value the WHOLE individual, not just the money-making bits. Sure, you’re a whizz on AutoCAD, but what else makes you a great engineer? What life experience, personal values, hobbies and interests do you bring to the table?
Your LinkedIn summary should give a sense of the multifaceted person you are.
To achieve the right balance, think about your summary as a story rather than a list of achievements and check out the following tips.
How to create a human-centred LinkedIn profile summary.
Write in a conversational tone of voice.
Give a glimpse of the person behind the professional persona. Often the opening paragraph is a good place for this. Start with a relevant anecdote or a quote.
Give a sense of how your past has shaped you.
Inject personality into your writing through language and word choice.
Reveal what you love to do outside work hours. Every bit of information helps paint a picture of you.
Ditch the bullet points.
Have a bit of fun with it.
If you feel your writing needs more objectivity or you’d simply prefer to palm your summary off, go to CONTACT on my website and let me tailor one for you.
See HERE and HERE for examples of the human-centred LinkedIn profile summaries I write.